Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gotta start somewhere...

Well, here goes nothing.  I've said to myself I'm gonna do it for years.  I've even started and stopped many times in the past.  I'm not really sure if I'm doing it more for my own self-imposed therapy, or the fantasy that other people actually care what thoughts randomly flow from this cluttered mind.  I'm a pretty normal person, but think for whatever reason that someone, somewhere may benefit from my experiences, and thoughts about my life.  I love my life.  Those that experience it with me on a daily basis may sometimes wonder about the truth of that statement, when they see the scribbles on the wall, the mountains of laundry, piles of dishes, and noise...just pure, unfiltered, zoo-like commotion that is almost always a part of this daily life.  But through all of these things and much more, I am learning immensely to appreciate the giggles, grace, and yes, the growing pains.  At the end of every day, when I lay my body down (on my cloud-like memory foam mattress...I LOVE my bed) and close my eyes, I smile...not because I see sugar-plum fairies, but because I see my Giggles. In my next post I will introduce you to them.  And as you continue this journey with me, you will see how grace and growing pains perfectly intertwine with the giggles and grins, forming the tapestry of my life. Enjoy!